3 Ways to Find Gift Certificate Templates

Posted on April 4, 2011 by

Gift Certificate Factory provides gift certificate templates that you can print and sell to your customers. Check out our gift certificate template gallery.

Google Images

Google’s “advanced image search” allows you to limit by size, color, and other parameters. A little-known feature is the power to search only for certain content types: for example “photo content”. So you might want to use the “ advanced image search – http://images.google.com/advanced_image_search?hl=en ” to restrict parameters. For example:

  • Find results related to all of the words: spa gift certificate template
  • Return images that contain: photo content
  • Return images that are: Larger than 2 MP (to filter out low quality pictures, especially important if you want to print gift certificates).
  • Return images with an aspect ratio that is: Wide (usual format for gift certificates)
  • Return only images in: full colors (no black and white certificates)
  • Return images that are: labeled for commercial reuse with modifications

The problem is, there are actually few certificates (if any) that match all these criteria. The license criteria is the most restrictive: you might want to search without this criteria enabled and talk with the owner of these images if it’s okay to use his gift certificate.

Flickr search

Flickr is another very popular image database. There are literally millions of pictures, and a handful of good certificate designs. Here again you would gain by using Flickr advanced search – http://www.flickr.com/search/advanced/ to restrict a few criteria. Most importantly, specify “Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content” at the bottom of the page. The Creative Commons license – http://creativecommons.org/ is a very liberal license that gives you rights to use the gift certificate template in most usages. You can play with other parameters and different keywords such as “gift certificate template”, “printable gift certificate” or “custom gift certificate” for example. You can also look into our post Gift Certificate Forms or Gift Certificate Templates, to give you an idea of other vocabulary to use.

Gift certificate templates on the web

You can also search on Google for website providing gift certificate templates. Typing “gift certificate templates” in google – http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=gift+certificate+templates would give you a list of such websites. Gift Certificate Factory is one of these and provides quality gift certificates for your business that you can easily customize and print. Check out our gift certificate template gallery and see for yourself. These templates are not for free but provide a good return for investment. However, if you want to find free gift certificate templates, you can also find that easily on Google. Just be warned that the quality of these templates might be subpar. In other terms, you could send a negative signal to your customers by displaying low-quality gift certificates in your store.


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